Arabic Reading Comprehension Practice for Beginners (with Test Questions)

Below is another authentic Modern Standard Arabic reading passage with comprehension questions. The passage below part of a series of Arabic reading practice for beginner learners of Arabic.

This particular text falls under the category of ILR1 or reading level ILR1. Anyone with a minimum of three months of learning Arabic should take a stab at this passage.

If you find this passage too easy, you can try your luck with these ILR2 reading passages. Their difficulty level is a higher than this.

Generally, to improve your Arabic reading skills, you should always target passages that are neither too easy nor too difficult.

For more Arabic reading comprehension practice, I recommend using Media Arabic to practice on non-fiction. For fiction, Short Stories in Arabic is another excellent practice book.

Tips for Arabic reading Comprehension:

  • Use what you know to understand what you don’t know. Rely on the context first before resorting to a dictionary.
  • Use cognates to increase your understanding of the text. For instance, you will encounter تليفون /tilifoon/ meaning telephone. Arabic text can contain a bun of cognates. Use them to your advantage.
  • Read the text more than once before you start taking as stab at the questions.
  • The trick is to look at the text holistically as you look for clues to understand it. If you are still finding it hard, look up the words on an Arabic-English dictionary. If you don’t have one, I recommend Hans Wher, hands-down the best Arabic-English dictionary in terms of value and size. Al-Mawrid Al-Wasit is the best dictionnary out there but it is a bit bulky and inconvenient to carry around. However, it offers both Arabic-English and English-Arabic dictionaries in one.

Recommended Reading:

For more reading practice and exercises, I recommend Arabic Stories for Language Learners . To expand your vocabulary, you may consider getting the Arabic Vocabulary workbook and practice regularly for a few weeks.

The Reading passage:

تُعلِنُ شَرِكَة يَنابِيع الحياة عَن حاجَتِها الى مَندُوبين ومَندوبات مَبيعات فِي القاهِرة 


 ِحُسنُ الَمظهَرِ والسُّلُوك

 يُجيدُ القِراءَةِ والكِتابَة

 مُلتزِمٌ بأَوقاتِ العَمَل 

يُفَضَّلُ مَن أَعمارُهُم بَينَ 18 و 32 سَنة

 يَتَحَمَّلُ ضُغوطَ العَمَلِ

 إِرسال السيرة  الذاتية على الواتساب حَصرًا وَفِي حَالَةِ القُبولِ الَمبدَئِي انتِظارُ رِسالة تَحديدِ مَوعِدِ المُقابَلَةِ.

 الإِسمُ الثُلاثِي 

 التَّحصيلُ الدِّراسِيُّ

 عُنوانُ السَّكَنِ

 رَقمُ الهاتِفِ

 أَوقاتُ الدَّوامِ مِن السَّاعَةِ 11 صَباحا الى الساعة 5 والنصف مساءاً.

 تَلتَزِمُ الشَّرِكَةُ بِتَوفِيرِ خَطِّ نَقلٍ للمُوَظَّفات مِن وإِلى المَنزِلِ.

 تَلتَزِمُ الشَّرِكَةُ بإِعطاءِ دَورَات تَدريبٍ للمندوبين.

رجاءً الالتزام بالمُراسَلَةِ عَلَى الواتساب على الرقم 0771

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